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Three weeks working with locals

We learn a lot from local people.

Head of school receiving Simtanks

Three weeks working with locals
The project assists local communities in the purchasing of pipes and equipment so that local people can build pipelines and bring water closer to their village or school. It also funds the construction of water storage tanks and guttering to improve water collection.
Water storage tanks:-
Monduli Green has donated simtanks and built concrete water storage tanks in several schools in the Monduli area including Irkisongo High School, Olarash Primary School and Mti Mmoja Primary School. Monduli Green also has donated simtanks to all households or groups where there are tree nurseries.
Pipe lines:-
Monduli Green has laid pipe lines to several villages which didn't have access to running water.
Guttering(rain water harvesting):-
Along with supplying simtanks and building conrete water tanks, Monduli Green has installed gutters on the school roofs to harvest rain water.
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