Monduli Green’s aim is to give educational opportunities to students who would find it difficult or impossible to fund secondary education.
Monduli Green will allocate scholarships in the following way:
1. A maximum of 6 scholarships each year for students at Olarash Primary School.
2. A maximum of 6 scholarships each year for students at Mtimmoja Primary School.
3. Assessment of students will proceed in the following way:
A. list of students in need of funding from each school will be given to Monduli Green Scholarship co-ordinator who will consider each candidate by visiting their homes and talk to the teachers about each studentd.
B. The scholarship co-ordinator will meet with the parent association and with the headmaster and teachers to find out how hard-working and motivated this student is.
C. Simon Mollel, Monduli Green Scholarship co-ordinator will discuss candidates with the Monduli Green scholarship board (2).
After the exam results are published, scholarships will be allocated by the board on the following criteria (most important criteria first)
1. need
2. work ethic
3. score
4. Monduli Green has the right to withdraw future scholarships from any school where assessment of students is seen to be operating in a way that is unfair.